As a toner: Toning is the act of giving the face a final cleansing to remove shaving cream residue as well as dirt and excess sebum. After shaving, and after thoroughly rinsing your face with cool water and pat drying, moisten a cotton ball with a hydrosol. Then rub the entire face and neck – not just the portion you’ve shaved - with the cotton ball. Leave the hydrosol on your skin to air dry. You will note your skin feels refreshed and clean. Skin is naturally acidic, shave creams tend to be alkaline, so it's a good idea to use a hydrosol after shaving in order to balance out the ph level. At this point you can apply either an after shave balm or a moisturizer if you feel your skin needs additional help.
As a skin refresher: After toning, spray some hydrosol on your face and neck as an added treat for the skin. With the second application, especially during the summer (when the oil glands are more active), you may discover you do not need to moisturize. In addition, spray a hydrosol on your face any time during the day you feel your skin needs a little refreshing. As a bonus, the natural scent lifts the spirits. Keep in mind a hydrosol is not an intensive moisturizer but a skin refresher with very light moisturizing properties. Refrigerate for cool and invigorating relief.
As an after shave splash: After shaving, simply splash a hydrosol on your face and neck with your hands. It’s a quick and easy way to soothe and slightly moisturize the skin. But remember, a hydrosol is not a cologne, it is a skin refresher.
As an all-over body spray: After shower or bath treat the entire body to a refreshing spritz of your favorite hydrosol.
To create a French green clay mask: Rather than add tap water (most of which are filled with impurities) to make a French green clay mask, use a hydrosol. The skin benefits of a hydrosol will enhance those of the clay.